ARP Omni /\ | ||
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(Please read all instructions before you begin)
Many Omni 1 and Omni 2 keyboards you see for sale are toasted in some way.Apparently this is due to a badly designed power supply which generates transient voltages when you turn the synth on and off. Over time, these power spikes fry the synth's chips and capacitors. ARP later figured this out and sent service bulletins to all their technicians instructing them to perform a mod on any Omnis they repaired. I got copies of the documents from Joachim Verghese, who also suggested using SA15A transient suppressors since the UZ314s specified by ARP no longer seem to be available. The mod can be performed on both Omni 1and Omni 2 keyboards because they use the same power supply board. Here are the official ARP documents:
I performed this modification on one Omni 2. Unfortunately, there was a problem. Instead of the power supply voltage dropping to around 13 voltsas ARP predicted, it INCREASED to around 18 volts. CMOS chips don't like 18 volts very much, so a couple of them blew up. After angrily changing the blown chips, I disconnected the power supply board from the rest of the Omni and set about trying to figure out whatyou REALLY had to do to get the power supply to go down to around 13 volts. After some experimenting, I hit upon REPLACING R12 with a 41.1K resistor instead of soldering a 68K resistor in parallel with it. This lowered the voltage into the right range so it could be tweaked with the trimpots to exactly 13 volts. So if you do this mod:
I got a note from Mike Morris about how he performed this mod:
Hi Mark, Thanks for your Arp Omni 2 resources. I've just finished restoration of my Omni 2.. replacing all the tantalums and performed the power supply mod (it now works as well as the day I bought it in 1977!) For the power supply mod, I have one suggestion to make component acquisition a tiny bit easier. Instead of trying to find a 1% 41.1k resistor to replace the 30.1k on the power supply board, I simply lifted the lead of one side of the existing 30.1k, and 'tented' a 10k in series with it. This places the supply rails well within the ability to adjust to exactly +/- 13V, as well as only requiring a very common value (anyone with a stash of resistors will most likely already have one. :) Thanks again for your great resource pages! - Mike
The way I had the mod described before might have given the impression that it was critical to use a 41.1K's not. As long at the total resistance is in the neighborhood of 40K, it will get you in the right ballpark so you can tweak the power supply to +/- 13V with the adjustment pots. Thanks, Mike for the correction.
Happy Omni hacking.