Techno tunes /\ | ||
Check out my YouTube channel. |
In the Jerry Sanders robot competition at the University of Illinois, teams from universities around the world build robots and bring them to Champaign/Urbana to compete on an obstacle course. It's like a less violent version of Robot Wars. Great fun! This year, the robots had to climb ramps, pick up hoola hoops & frisbees, and carry them to goals for points. This event is part of U of I's Engineering Open House.
Well, okay, it's not ALWAYS less violent than Robot Wars...
To see more pics of the 2007 competition, go here and click on "Multimedia".
I did a couple of acid techno tunes for background music for the event:
This one's about Ash from the movie "Alien".
Acid for Blood | (4794K mp3) |
ACID, get it?! The alien has acid for blood, and the musical style is called Acid! Heh heh.
Well, I thought it was amusing.
About Robbie from "Forbidden Planet".
Robbie | (3570K mp3) |
This one's about Gort from "The Day The Earth Stood Still". My Techno tune does variations on the Gort theme from Bernard Herrman's EXCELLENT score.
Gort | (5187K mp3) |
For future Engineering Open Houses, I plan to add a couple more, like maybe one about "Terminator" and one about Nomad from the Star Trek episode "The Changeling".